Frequently Asked Questions

About the Project
Danville Solar is a 100MW solar energy project being developed in Boyle County, KY. The project will deliver long-term benefits to Boyle County, including new local jobs, increased tax revenue to support essential services, and enhanced energy reliability, creating a lasting positive impact for future generations
Danville Solar is committed to preserving the natural character of the community. We will collaborate with a professional landscape designer to create and implement a plan for evergreen vegetative screening around project areas visible from residential properties. This approach has been proven to effectively reduce or eliminate the visual impact of solar equipment. Details on screening will be proposed during the permitting process and finalized with community feedback before construction begins.
Kentucky has a high demand for renewable energy projects due to Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) in neighboring states, available interconnection capacity, and the feasibility of large-scale land use for solar. This area offers optimal conditions, including abundant sunlight, land suitability, and grid access. Additionally, Governor Andy Beshear unveiled Kentucky's forward-thinking energy strategy, KYE3: Designs for a Resilient Economy, emphasizing energy, environment, and economic development to create a sustainable and resilient future. The Danville Solar project aligns with this vision.
In Boyle County, our partners are proud to support a project that significantly benefits their community. Solar energy development on private land is fully supported by state law, and the landowners who collaborate with us trust that this choice aligns with their vision for their property and family. They value their right to make decisions about their land that reflect their values, provide for their families, and contribute to a more sustainable future. Learn more here.
Solar projects can be built on rooftops or parking lots, but they also require grid interconnection capacity to transmit generated electricity. This project was strategically sited near transmission lines to maximize efficiency. Rooftop and parking lot solar installations alone cannot meet Kentucky's renewable energy goals, emphasizing the need for utility-scale projects. Learn more here.
Danville Solar will bring numerous benefits to Boyle County, such as economic growth, new jobs, and reliable energy. This includes over $7M in tax revenues and hundreds of jobs for the construction of the project, as well as several long-term positions. Learn more here.
About Galehead Development
Galehead Development is leading the Danville Solar project. As a trusted project delivery platform with dedicated development capabilities and proprietary exploration and prospecting technology, Galehead has a proven track record of 15 GW of active solar, wind, and storage projects across 30 states. Galehead provides energy solutions and services to landowners, utilities, and other stakeholders.
Solar EnergyBasics
Solar panels collect sunlight, converting it into direct current (DC). Inverters then transform this into alternating current (AC), which is transmitted to the energy grid for use.
Solar energy provides reliable, renewable, and affordable power. It supports energy independence and benefits communities by reducing reliance on foreign energy sources.
- Noise: Solar farms generate minimal noise during operation. Most noise comes from temporary construction activities like land preparation and equipment installation. These activities are scheduled during daylight hours to minimize disruption. Operational equipment such as inverters and transformers produce faint sounds that are generally inaudible beyond the site boundaries.
- Light: Solar panels are designed to absorb sunlight rather than reflect it, so glare is minimal. Panels will include anti-reflective coatings and single-axis trackers, ensuring they face the sun directly without reflecting light toward nearby structures.
- Land Contamination: Solar panels are made from inert materials like silicon and aluminum, which do not leach chemicals into the soil. They are manufactured and decommissioned following strict environmental standards to ensure safety.
- Water Contamination: Solar panels are highly durable and sealed, withstanding extreme weather and UV exposure. This prevents any material breakdown that could contaminate water. During construction, erosion controls and sediment barriers will be implemented to safeguard local water sources.
The specified panels for this project will primarily be sourced from Q Cells, which operates manufacturing facilities in Georgia, USA, and internationally.
Peer-reviewed studies from reputable institutions show no consistent evidence that solar farms negatively impact property values. In fact, these projects can contribute to local economic growth through taxes and community benefits. Learn more here.
The construction schedule and duration will be announced in future updates. Efforts will be made to minimize disruption to the local community.
While the grid is interconnected, a portion of the energy will meet local demand, supporting regional grid reliability. Tax revenues and economic benefits from the project will remain in the community.
For further inquiries, please contact us via our contact form.
Contact Us
If you have additional questions about the project, please reach out. If you are a local vendor looking to provide services, we look forward to getting in touch with you!