
Committed to Boyle County
Danville Solar will bring numerous benefits to Boyle County, such as economic growth, new jobs, and land preservation.
Economic Benefits
Danville Solar is expected to generate over $7M in property tax revenue for Boyle County throughout its 40-year lifetime. This will benefit local schools, infrastructure, and community services. This new source of revenue will have a far-reaching impact throughout the community and improve the quality of life for all.
Danville Solar greatly values contributing to education, which is why the local school district can expect to receive $1.5M in tax revenue. The project’s construction will also create hundreds of local temporary jobs, prioritizing contracts with diverse businesses, including minority, women, small, and veteran-owned businesses.

Community Benefits
Danville Solar will establish a quarterly community-giving program supporting community-based organizations as part of our commitment to being a good neighbor. We also aim to create educational opportunities and internships through the project.

Energy Benefits
Danville Solar will provide local, American-made energy to Boyle County and is a cornerstone of Boyle County’s renewable energy future. The project will boost grid reliability, support renewable energy integration, and reduce our carbon footprint, all while advancing the state’s climate goals. Danville Solar will ensure that the region has reliable, affordable energy when it is needed the most.

Environmental Benefits
Environmental considerations are of utmost importance as we progress through all project phases. Danville Solar will work closely with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife to preserve wetlands and endangered species habitats throughout the project. The Danville Solar project will protect the environment and generate reliable energy, all while using less than 1% of the agricultural land in Boyle County.

Contact Us
If you have additional questions about the project, please reach out. If you are a local vendor looking to provide services, we look forward to getting in touch with you!